12/07/2017, 14.01
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Pope urges Taiwanese Christians to promote unity and charity

Francis met with a delegation from the National Council of Churches of Taiwan. “The strengthening of relations between the Christian confessions, and the shared proclamation of Jesus, also through works of charity and educational projects aimed at the young, will prove beneficial to society as a whole.”

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Pope Francis met with a delegation from the National Council of Churches of Taiwan during an audience today in the Vatican.

In his address, the pontiff encouraged them to promote greater Christian unity and charity as well as educational projects for young people.

The Holy Father, noting that he was just back from a trip to Asia, said that he was “able to experience the vitality and the enterprise that mark the peoples of Asia, but also the suffering face of a humanity all too often deprived of material prosperity and social well-being.

“There are many areas in which we, as Christians, are called to work together to promote the dignity of each human being and to support those who are less fortunate than ourselves.” And “The love of God, made incarnate in life, is [. . .] our royal road”.

“The Catholic Church, through the Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference, has been committed, from the establishment of the National Council of Churches of Taiwan in 1991, to promoting greater unity between believers in the Lord.

“The strengthening of relations between the Christian confessions, and the shared proclamation of Jesus, also through works of charity and educational projects aimed at the young, will prove beneficial to society as a whole.

“Building a better future for all requires, in a particular way, educating the younger generations in the art of dialogue, so that they can become protagonists of a much-needed culture of harmony and reconciliation. This will encourage them to pursue, with God’s help, the path that leads from conflict to communion, a path that has shown itself so fruitful in the ecumenical journey.

“I thank each of you for your commitment to pursuing this path by strengthening fraternity and cooperation among your communities. Let us continue to journey together in the primacy of charity towards that day when Jesus’ prayer will be realized: ‘that they may all be one . . . so that the world may believe’ (Jn 17:21).”

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