07/10/2020, 14.49
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Pope appoints Mario Draghi to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

The former European Central Bank president graduated from the Massimiliano Massimo Institute and La Sapienza University (in economics) in Rome. He has a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Pope Francis has appointed Mario Draghi, former President of the European Central Bank, as ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Mario Draghi was born in Rome on 13 September 1947. He studied at the Jesuit-run Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome, and graduated from La Sapienza University, also in the Italian capital, in economics.

After earning a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he became full professor of Economics and monetary policy in 1981 at the Cesare Alfieri Faculty of Political Science of the University of Florence.

He served, among other posts, as the Italian executive director of the World Bank and the general manager of Italy’s Ministry of Treasury. He was Governor of the Bank of Italy from 2005 to 2011 and chaired the Financial Stability Forum from 2006 to 2011 when he took over as president of the European Central Bank until 2019.

He is a trustee of the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) and a member of the Group of Thirty (G30). He is the author of numerous publications, in fields ranging from macroeconomics to international economics and monetary policy.

He has received many awards, including, on 11 October 2019, an honorary degree in economics from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) in Milan.

A month later, the Rome-based Jesuit magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, whose articles are reviewed in the Secretariat of State, wrote that Mario Draghi “played a key role in the most complex phases of recent European history. As president of the European Central Bank, he was decisive in saving the economic and monetary union, and thanks to his contribution, we have the extraordinary opportunity to complete it today.”

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