09/13/2016, 10.31
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Papua: Catholic teacher shot dead

by Mathias Hariyadi

Yuni Yesra Patatang, 27, was found last night with two gunshot wounds. He was responsible for the Ilaga youth ministry and professor of religion and catechism in elementary school. The murder has not been claimed. Several armed separatist groups active in the area are.


Jakarta (AsiaNews) - A Catholic teacher, responsible for a group for youth ministry, was found dead last night in Ilaga (Puncak Jaya district, Papua province). The news was disclosed in a note from the Commission for Youth Ministry of the Indonesian Bishops Conference (KWI Kompek). Yuni Yesra Patatang, 27, was head of the Catholic youth group (Orang Muda Katolik).

The teacher's body was found at about 18.30 with two bullet holes. The murder has not been claimed.

Yuni Yesra Patatang was born to a family of Toraja ethnic group and had graduated in catechetical studies. In addition to following the youth group, he was also a teacher of religion and catechism in elementary schools. working part-time as a taxi driver.

Next October, the Catholic youth will celebrate the National Day in the diocese of Manado (North Sulawesi). Young people are expected from 37 dioceses across the country, which will be hosted by local families for a few days of living together and prayer. In 2017 Indonesia will host the Asian Youth Day.

Puncak Jaya is one of the most dangerous districts in Papua province, where several separatist groups (such as Organisasi Papua Merdeka) are still active, fighting with government troops.

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