08/08/2017, 13.39
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Three weeks after Liu Xiaobo’s death, his wife is still "on vacation" and no one can see her

Ms Liu, who is a poet, is officially "on vacation" and "travelling" in Yunnan Province. However, she is thought to have returned to Beijing but no one knows where. Her Beijing home is empty at present but still under the watch of plainclothes police.

Beijing (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Three weeks after Liu Xiaobo's death, police continue to be keep his wife Liu Xia under tight watch.

Officially, Ms Liu is free. The authorities showed a video in which she can be seen seaside near the coastal city of Dalian on 15 July with the ashes of the late Nobel Prize laureate (pictured).

Her friends say they have not heard anything from her ever since. Her Beijing home is empty, but it is under the watch of plainclothes agents.

Ms Liu, who is a poet, is officially "on holiday" and "travelling" in Yunnan Province. Even though she has not been charged with anything, she has been kept away from others.

This type of control is often used with dissidents. Since she has not been charged, she cannot file any complaint with the authorities.

Her friends say that "the trip" is over and that Liu Xia is back in Beijing, but the police have not allowed her to go home because of the presence of foreign journalists.

She is likely staying with her brother Liu Hui in an flat under police surveillance, but no one knows where.

Liu Xia has been monitored by police and house arrest since October 2010 when her husband was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

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