10/01/2024, 09.13
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Three die in Shanghai attack on 75th anniversary of the People's Republic

Today's news: Israeli troops in Lebanon, ‘limited’ operation (but settlers already ‘selling’ property); Militias attack army headquarters in Mandalay; Afghan Taliban announce the arrest of Isis militiamen responsible for attacks in Bamiyan and Kabul; Thai court authorises extradition for Montagnard activist accused of ‘terrorism’ by Hanoi.

On the very day China celebrates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic and every district is adorned with patriotic themes, three people were killed and 15 injured in a knife attack in Shanghai; the assailant, a 37-year-old man named Lin, was arrested. Also in Hong Kong, a 51-year-old citizen surnamed Chiu was arrested on 29 September for ‘damaging’ decorative lights at Sheung Shui metro station celebrating the national holiday. According to the police, he wanted to express ‘his dissatisfaction’ with society for ‘personal reasons’.

The Israeli army (IDF) launched a ‘limited’ ground operation with ‘precise targets’ in southern Lebanon to hit Hezbollah launching posts and weapons depots, while air raids continue in the southern suburbs of Beirut and other areas against militia bases. In the Land of the Cedars there are already over a thousand dead and 120,000 displaced civilians. In the meantime, the group of settlers Uri Tzafon is calling for the construction of - and is already putting up for ‘sale’ - properties in South Lebanon, with properties - even luxury ones - on offer starting from 80 thousand dollars.

Militias from the Front fighting against the coup military junta fired 107mm rockets at the army headquarters in Mandalay. The attack is the latest in a series of operations at the heart of the command structure. According to unconfirmed sources there were injuries among government soldiers, while the perpetrators belonging to the Brave Warriors for Myanmar (Bmw) escaped.

The Taliban government announced the arrest of (alleged) members of an Islamic State (Khorasan, IS-K) cell, suspected of killing three foreign tourists in Bamiyan in May and of involvement in the mid-September attack in Kabul. Among those detained was a Tajik citizen from Pakistan. Islamabad rejected past accusations of providing shelter to militants.

A Bangkok Criminal Court judge ruled yesterday that Montagnard activist Y Quynh Bdap should be extradited to Vietnam to stand trial on terrorism charges. For the court, there would be sufficient grounds to approve Hanoi's request. The final decision on the dispute rests with the Bangkok government. In case of repatriation, he risks being tortured or killed.

The Moscow Provincial Court upheld on appeal the 17-year prison sentence of Crimean Tatar imam Raif Fevziev. An opponent of Vladimir Putin who has already been in prison for three years, he is accused of organising a terrorist group with the aim of violently overthrowing the government in Sevastopol, in association with other international organisations.

The new Metropolitan of Baku for the Russian Orthodox Church, Aleksij (Smirnov), has imposed on all priests the recitation of the prayer for Russia's victory in the war in Ukraine. On pain of suspension and reduction to the lay state if they refuse, despite the fact that the faithful are citizens of Azerbaijan, a nation that would maintain a neutral stance towards the war.

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