10/27/2024, 16.30
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Synod: Pope calls for Church to stand ‘on her feet’, embracing ‘the cry of humanity’

The end of the Synod was marked with a Mass in the Vatican basilica. The Chair of Saint Peter was exposed, a sign of Church unity. The final document voted by the assembly has been released without an apostolic exhortation by the pontiff. Francis expressed closeness to the communities affected by a tropical storm in the Philippines.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Pope Francis spoke this morning to the bishops and faithful gathered in St Peter's Basilica for the celebration that marked the end of the 16th ordinary session of the Synod. In his address, he stressed that “the Gospel says of Bartimaeus that he ‘followed him on the way’. This is an image of the synodal Church.”

Last night the assembly approved the final document, which Pope Francis was eager to see published right away, noting that it will be the text of reference, with no post-synodal apostolic exhortation, as was usual in the past. For the first time, the assembly was not made up only of bishops, but included priests, religious, lay men and women representing all the people of God,

“We follow the Lord along the way,” Francis said summarising the meaning of the synodal style placed at the centre of the assembly, “we do not follow him enclosed in our comforts or we do not follow him in the mazes of our minds. We follow him only along the way. Let us remember never to walk alone or according to worldly criteria, but to walk on the way alongside him.”

“Brothers and sisters,” he said, “not a seated Church, but a Church on her feet. Not a silent Church, but a Church that embraces the cry of humanity. Not a blind Church, but a Church, enlightened by Christ, that brings the light of the Gospel to others. Not a static Church, but a missionary Church that walks with her Lord through the streets of the world.”

During the celebration in St Peter's Basilica, the ancient Chair of Saint Peter, a symbol of the primacy of the pope, was also exposed after its recent restoration. “As we contemplate it with the wonder of faith, let us remember that this is the Chair of love, unity and mercy, according to Jesus’ command to the Apostle Peter not to lord it over others, but to serve them in charity.”

The pontiff also spoke about the end of the Synod during the Angelus prayer, addressing the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square. “Let us pray,” he said, “that everything we have done in this month may go forward for the good of the Church.”

Francis went on to speak about the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies set to take place in the coming days to mark 75 years since the signing of the Geneva Conventions.

“May this event awaken consciences so that, during armed conflicts, the life and dignity of people and peoples, as well as the integrity of civil structures and places of worship, are respected, in accordance with international humanitarian law. It is sad to see how hospitals and schools are destroyed in war in some places.”

The pope also urged the faithful to pray for peace, especially in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, “so that the escalation may be stopped and respect for human life, which is sacred, be put in first place! The first victims are among the civilian population: we see this every day. Too many innocent victims! Every day we see images of slaughtered children. Too many children! Let us pray for peace.”

Finally, the pontiff joined the Mexican Church in mourning the death of Fr Marcelo Pérez Pérez, who was murdered last Sunday in Chiapas; he also expressed his closeness to the people of the Philippines after a major tropical storm hit the country. “May the Lord support that people, so full of faith,” he said.

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