09/25/2014, 00.00
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Mr Modi goes to Washington to push 'Make in India'

After going after Japanese and Chinese billions and before going to America, India's PM launches a plan to transform the country's economy. The goal is to create ten million jobs and attract foreign firms to build plants and build its infrastructure.

New Delhi (AsiaNews/Agencies) - On the eve of his trip to the United States, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled his administration's 'Make in India' campaign aimed at turning the country into a global manufacturing hub.

The Indian leader made his sales pitch in New Delhi before top Indian CEOs as well as representatives of the world's top 3,000 companies from 30 countries such as the US, Japan, Korea, Sweden, Poland, Australia, China, Italy, Germany and France.

After striking deals worth billions of dollars with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi is pursuing a plan of attracting investments to India.

The aim is to attract foreign companies to set up factories in India and invest in the country's infrastructure. This should shift the economy from a services-driven growth model to labour-intensive manufacturing-driven growth. It should also help create jobs for the 10 million people who join the workforce every year.

For Modi, India could become a global leader. As part of this strategy, the government has identified 25 key areas: auto components, information technologies (IT), defence, food processing, pharmaceuticals, textiles, aeronautics, leather, ports, tourism, railway, heavy industry, telecommunications, energy and more.

At today's unveiling, in addition to a general growth plan, Modi presented specific projects, which provide details on growth drivers, investment opportunities and sector specific FDI (foreign direct investment).

With this in mind, the government has set a web portal (www.makeinindia.com) to provide businesses and firms with information about the plan.


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