07/29/2024, 14.57
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Let the massacre of Druze children stop the path of war, say Holy Land bishops

The Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries issued a plea after 12 children are killed in a rocket attack on a playground in Majdal Shams, Golan Heights. The Druze are angry at Hezbollah but also at the Israeli government. Catholic bishops call for a stop to the escalation: “The future of children and the welfare of our communities hinge upon our ability to transcend hatred and to embrace the principles of compassion and coexistence.”

Jerusalem (AsiaNews) – The memory of the 12 Druze children killed in "an act of unspeakable violence" on Saturday in Majdal Shams must be honoured by “renewing our commitment to peace and rejecting all forms of violence. The cycle of violence must end,” reads the message of condolences issued by the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, after a deadly rocket fell on a playground in a Druze town on the Golan Heights.

The incident has increased the risks of an all-out confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Over night, Israeli attacked Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, resulting in two deaths and three wounded.

For its part, the Lebanese Shia movement, which has attacked northern Israel in solidarity with Hamas since October while trying to avoid open warfare, continues to deny responsibility for the massacre, blaming a malfunctioning of Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system.

Yesterday, 10 of the 12 children who died were laid to rest in an atmosphere of anger and tensions in the Druze towns on the Golan Heights. The community accuses the Israeli government of failing to protect them, while demanding a very harsh reaction against Hezbollah.

Ultra-right-wing ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir also came in for strong criticism, which goes back a few years when Israel’s right-wing pushed for a law that defined “Israel as a nation state of the Jewish people", an act seen by the Druze minority as a betrayal.

In such a climate of tensions and contradictions, the words of the Catholic bishops of the Holy Land rise above the fray.

“The loss of these children is an unspeakable tragedy, leaving a profound impact on us all,” reads the press release. “We urge all parties to seek understanding and mutual respect, for the future of our children and communities depends on it. Enough with this violence, hatred, and contempt!” it goes on to say.

“We earnestly entreat all parties to abandon the path of conflict and arms, and to seek understanding and mutual respect. The future of children and the welfare of our communities hinge upon our ability to transcend hatred and to embrace the principles of compassion and coexistence.”

Indeed, “Nothing will be resolved by the evil of arms and war! Let us not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good! [Letter of St. Paul to Romans 12:21]. May the Lord grant comfort and strength to the families of the victims, and may their memories remind us of the preciousness of life and the urgent need for peace.”

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