06/05/2018, 17.56
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Islam’s disease: when the 'wise' hold back evolution

by Kamel Abderrahmani

The Muslim faith is at a crossroads: either it takes part in the challenges of modernity or it sinks even more into obscurantism. This is the analysis of a young Muslim student who tries to identify who and what is behind the crisis that affects the entire Muslim world.

Paris (AsiaNews) – The Muslim world is suffering from an endemic psychiatric disease. For centuries, it has endured this disease, which keeps on growing and getting worse. The history of this world from its birth to the present day is divided into two distinct periods: a glorious and luminous era followed by an era of decadence and cultural and cultic misery.

This decadence is visible today everywhere in the Muslim world. Damascus and Baghdad are two prime examples of this. These two capitals made the Muslim civilisation. Now an incessant war exists within Islam, between followers of the same religion. The question we must ask ourselves is this: Is this the final phase of decadence that has been eating away at Muslim peoples for centuries? In this author’s opinion, the answer, if there is any, can only be approximate if not full of doubts.

An individual suffering from a certain psychiatric disease does not realise his illness. Most often, his illness makes him ignore the need for counselling, medical exams and health treatment. The greater majority of these patients, according to Freud, live happily and consider themselves much better than others. Therefore, one such expect such patients to question themselves.

The same goes for Muslims who believe that they are "the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) men" (Holy Qurʾān). As a result of inept interpretations of this truncated verse, they seriously think that they are superior to the rest of humanity, that they are favoured by God and that in the hereafter, paradise will be exclusively reserved for them.

The majority of Muslims firmly believe in the ultimate victory of Islam (return of the Caliphate) and the advent of an all-powerful Islamic “Ummah”. This same majority dreams of a day full of light, not through knowledge and technology but through theology and its dogmas.

Muslims see no reason to change, no matter the situation they are in. Whatever the decadence in which they live, it's nothing to them, they just look in the rear-view mirror, glorify "their age of lights" and praise the contribution of ancient Muslims to the scientific progress of humanity. In fact, those who built what is called "Muslim civilisation" were all excommunicated and considered heretics, something that most Muslims do not know.

As we have already said in our contributions to AsiaNews and La Cité, whilst the non-Muslim world moves forward, develops its technology and improves the living conditions of its citizens, the Muslim world, from Jakarta to Tangier, passing through wealthy Arabia, sink in ignorance, decadence and cultural and cultic misery. This situation, it must be emphasised, is the result of the use that Muslims make of religion. The mind-set we have just described has taken over the Muslim world and, over the centuries, has ended up annihilating all inquisitive and analytical minds; hence, the current decay of the entire Muslim world.

What seems strange is that the decadence that has raged for centuries has led very few Muslims to ask questions about the why of this situation and how to free themselves from the cultural and religious immobility of which they are the object, about how they can enter an era of freedom and a process of innovation. How can they make up for some four centuries of backwardness? Do Muslims (states, governments, elites, peoples) want to heal from the disease that gnaws at them, which is characterised by an obsession with the past, a split personality, and a superiority complex towards other peoples?

The ulema (Muslim scholars), who have, over the centuries, maintained and developed a certain jurisprudence, have played a harmful and destructive role in the decadence that strikes this world, not to mention the devilish role played by the followers of political Islam, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the Wahhabis.

When the industrial revolution, fruit of investment in intelligence, begun to propel the Western world forward, the Muslim world wondered whether the inventions were lawful or unlawful! This explains the total absence of Muslims in major universal scientific events such as the industrial revolution, the technological revolution and globalisation.

Obviously, Muslims are not ready to abandon the religious dogmatism in which they have been stuck for centuries. On the contrary, they dream of restoring the Caliphate, of applying Sharia and thus of returning to the Middle Ages. That's why it's hard to talk about renewal or rebirth.

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