07/23/2023, 11.32
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Estela Padilla: 'My Experience with Filipino Basic Ecclesial Communities at the Synod'

by Santosh Digal

Manila-based theologian and executive secretary of the Fabc's Office for Doctrinal Issues was chosen by Pope Francis among the ten Asian non-bishops who will take part in the October assembly. She tells AsiaNews of her impressions of the synodal journey, "It has energized me, because I see the conversion and reshaping of the Church toward a more missionary orientation."

Manila (AsiaNews) – According to Estela Padilla, one of the ten non-bishop members from Asia for the forthcoming Synod of Bishops this October, it will be an occasion for the church’s authentic renewal.

She has been a consultant to the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) and the Executive Secretary of the Office for Theological Concerns in the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference (FABC).

When asked what her feelings were when Pope Francis included her as one of the non-bishop members from Asia for the Synod of Bishops, Padilla told AsiaNews, "I felt deep joy and an even deeper sense of responsibility. The Synod has fascinated and energized me from the start. Since I have participated in the local, national, and international Synodal processes, I am looking forward to seeing the seeds planted grow and nourish towards authentic renewal."

Speaking about voting rights during the Synod, she said it was not a matter of winning or losing. If so, the lay people and the women will always be outvoted. "I hope the Synod will be a space for awareness-raising, graceful listening, and speaking with parrhesia. The participation of the non-bishops will be an exercise in authentic communal discernment and decision-making, guided by the question, ‘Where is the Spirit leading us’?"

The BECs, especially among the poor, carry the voice of faith during daily life struggles. "From Asian churches, I hear the voice of the minority and diversity. These voices influence our practice of communal theologizing at the Office for Theological Concerns in FABC. These experiences have prepared me to participate in the dialogue, communal discernment, and decision-making that will happen at the Synod."

Her office, "Bukal ng Tipan," ("Fountain of the Covenant’), a pastoral institute responsible for the formation of BEC leaders across the Philippines, run by the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary abbreviated (CICM), has worked with different dioceses and church organizations here and abroad towards a ‘Participatory Church in the World’. 

"We design, together with local teams, culture-fit, context-responsive, mission-oriented evangelization programs. We facilitate training on BEC organizing, communal leadership, youth, and other ministries, as well as coming up with participatory vision-mission processes," she said.

In the past two years, the center has integrated and designed more synodal approaches in designing its formation programs, retreats, and pastoral planning, which includes interministerial and partnering with civil society.

"Being part of the synodal processes at the national and international levels has energized me because I see conversion and the reshaping of the church towards becoming more mission-oriented," she said.

"Although there will be many tensions and disappointments in the October Synod, I sincerely hope that we will not frustrate the Spirit of God that wants to renew the church from its roots," she added.


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