05/24/2016, 15.57
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Duterte’s attack on Filipino bishops "violent and unprovoked"

The new president has attacked the church calling it "the most hypocritical institution" in the world, offending bishops and accusing them of being corrupt. He adds that he will "challenge the Catholic faith", imposing a limit of three children per family, free the former president Arroyo and bury the dictator Marcos in the "graveyard of heroes." Catholic source: "I am surprised by this violent and unprovoked attitude, particularly unsuitable in a president."


Manila (AsiaNews) - "I am shocked by President Duterte’s attitude which is completely unprovoked”,  a Catholic source comments to AsiaNews reacting to the latest statements by the former mayor of Davao, winner of the May 9 elections.  In a recent press conference the future Head of State once again attacked the Catholic Church describing it as "the most hypocritical institution" in the world.

Addressing the bishops he added: "You sons of ..., are not you ashamed? You ask politicians, including myself, for so many favors".

The new president, who will be sworn in on June 30, continued to criticize the Church for having always opposed the use of contraceptives and birth control, an attitude he believes has caused overpopulation: "I only want three children per family – he said -. I am a Christian, but I am a realist and I know that we must do something about overpopulation. I defy the belief and opinion of the Church ".

Speaking on the issue raised by the new president, retired bishop Msgr. Oscar Cruz challenged the politician saying that "if you know of cases of corruption [you] should reveal them. The Church will not close down because of some revelations".

The AsiaNews source  says: "Duterte said that some priest or bishop would demand cars, when his 'spiritual adviser' [also a leader of a Christian sect of Mindanao ed] owns a helicopter and private jet worth millions of dollars and nobody says anything about this”.

"These direct insults – he adds - puzzle me. A president should not offend so openly. Even if they were not against the Church, these words should not have been used, and moreover they were unprovoked". According to the source, "we know that Duterte has something against the Catholic Church, but as president he really should not act in this bar-room manner. The president should unify the country, not pursue a campaign that seems personal, for some incident that happened in the past. "

During the press conference, the new president spoke in favor of the liberation of former President Arroyo, in prison since 2011 on corruption charges, and the source explains that "many of the personnel who Duterte is choosing for government are former members of 'the Arroyo administration ". The mayor of Davao has also declared its intention to move the remains of former dictator Marcos into the "heroes cemetery" in Manila. Ferdinand Marcos, who died in exile in 1989, was involved in one of the darkest chapters of Philippine history. His son, Ferdinand Jr., is Duterte’s vice-president candidate.

Msgr. Broderick Pabillo, auxiliary bishop of Manila, said that, even after the latest statements, his position towards the new president remains that expressed to AsiaNews a few days ago.

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