11/09/2022, 09.32
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Climate crisis: small island nations also demand compensation from China and India

Today's headlines: another North Korean missile test; Burmese army continues bombing the Sagaing region; Card. Sako calls for reconciliation between Shia and Sunni Muslims; Police reveal name of attacker on former PM Khan; Patriarch Kirill consecrates a new 'military church' near Moscow.



At the Sharm El-Sheik Climate Conference, the Association of Small Island States demands that China and India also pay economic compensation for the effects of climate change, not just the advanced economies. Beijing and Delhi are respectively the world's first and third largest producers of greenhouse gas pollutants.


Pyongyang fired what the South Korean and Japanese authorities say looks like a ballistic missile: yet another missile test conducted by Kim Jong-un's regime this year. The missile was fired from the North Korean east coast and sank in the Sea of Japan, far from Tokyo's exclusive economic zone.


Attacks by junta against opponents continue in the Sagaing region, one of the hardest hit since the outbreak of civil war following the military coup in February 2021. Artillery strikes in the village of Shein Ma Kar killed a woman and wounded two of her family members.


The Patriarch of the Chaldeans, Card. Louis Raphael Sako, is calling for dialogue between Sunni and Shia Muslims to solve the various crises shaking the Middle East. According to the cardinal, reconciliation efforts are especially needed to pacify countries such as Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. 


The police released the name of the bomber who shot former Prime Minister Imran Khan last week, wounding him in the leg. The security forces had arrested Mohammad Naveed at the scene immediately after the armed attack. The former prime minister accused the government of trying to assassinate him.


Patriarch Kirill of Moscow consecrated another "military church", dedicated to Saint Vladimir of Kiev and intended as a chaplaincy for the Rosgvardija, in Balashika on the outskirts of Moscow. It is where the Dzerzhinsky division is located, named after the founder of the Cheka-Kgb, of which the National Guard is an emanation. Statues of angels and armed saints around the temple form the 'permanent lookout' against satanic attacks.


Since the beginning of the military mobilisation in Russia, there have been increasing reports of the unjustified disappearance of Tajik seasonal workers, especially young people in their 20s and 30s. Relatives do not rule out the possibility of these being forcibly conscripted to fight in the Ukraine, and they try in vain to get an answer via the Tajik embassy in Moscow.

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