02/18/2022, 14.09
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As the number of infections rises, Hong Kong adopts China’s 'zero COVID' policy

by Lu Haitao

Members of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council thank Xi Jinping for his “instructions”. Mass testing and quarantine facilities are being prepared. Testing vehicles and medical staff are arriving from mainland China.  Hong Kong’s health approach is linked to state “political correctness”.

Hong Kong (AsiaNews) – Infections from COVID-19 in Hong Kong reached a record high yesterday with 6,116 new cases, with another 6,000 preliminary positive cases. 

Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered the Hong Kong government to “mobilise all available forces” and “take all necessary measures” to control the ongoing epidemic.

Faced with the highly contagious Omicron variant, Hong Kong authorities have failed so far to sustain the policy of placing diagnosed patients and their close contacts under quarantine.

Xi also instructed the central government to assist Hong Kong in preventing the outbreak.

Vice Premier Han Zheng, in charge of affairs for the former British colony, has called on neighbouring Guangdong province to provide the necessary assistance to contain the health emergency.

In a joint statement, members of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council (LegCo) thanked Xi for his support, stressing that they believe the president's "instructions" will give confidence to the population.

Pro-democracy groups boycotted the legislative elections held on 19 December, and voter turnout plummeted to an all-time low. This enabled pro-Beijing parties to win all the seats.

Some public hospitals in Hong Kong have almost reached or exceeded full capacity. Experts warn that the rapid increase in infections will lead to the collapse of the health system.

At present, some hospitals are overwhelmed and patients awaiting hospitalisation are accommodated in mobile beds on sidewalks or in outdoor tents. Meanwhile, people are forced to wait in long queues to be tested.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam backed China’s “dynamic zero COVID” policy, whereas most other countries have opted for a strategy of living with the Omicron variant, which produces mild symptoms.

The Hong Kong government has called on Beijing for assistance. At a meeting of senior Hong Kong officials, Lam said that local authorities are unable to manage the latest outbreak. 

In her view, Hong Kong should take advantage of the mainland’s experience in preventing epidemics, and in the management of human resources and health equipment.

The pro-Beijing newspaper Wen Wei Pao reported that the measures include reagents from mainland China to detect COVID-19, medical equipment, help in setting up quarantine facilities, as well as the deployment of epidemics prevention specialists. 

A coordinating mechanism for epidemic prevention was also established with officials and specialists from the central government, Guangdong province and Hong Kong.

The pro-Beijing media in Hong Kong back the health policy in place, while the idea of coexisting with the virus has been discarded.

Hong Kong’s Chief Secretary for Administration, John Lee, and the Secretary for Food and Health, Sophia Chan, went to Shenzhen (Guangdong) last week to ask for help.

Diagnostic test vehicles and medical staff from mainland China have arrived in Hong Kong to increase monitoring and tracking capacity (see picture).

According to local reports, the Hong Kong government is considering building temporary facilities for medical and quarantine purposes, like those established during the initial phase of the viral outbreak in Wuhan.

The pro-Beijing media HK01 reported that all 7.5 million residents will be tested in March. Police have recruited about a thousand retired officers to operate quarantine facilities. 

Millions of testing kits will be sent to mainland China for analysis, which raises privacy issues.

Chinese authorities view their strict zero COVID policy and contact tracing as the best. The low number of cases is touted as proof of that.

However, for several observers, Hong Kong's health approach is linked to state “political correctness”.

See also
Infections rising after Xi Jinping’s zero-COVID policy is dropped
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Hong Kong scientists say China had four times more coronavirus cases than reported
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Coronavirus: As China reports first day without deaths, fears grow in Hong Kong
07/04/2020 12:35
South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan: Beating the pandemic without a lockdown
21/04/2020 13:38
Pets of infected people quarantined
28/02/2020 13:25


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