07/04/2018, 10.10
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Ankara, a new decree increases 'sultan' Erdogan’s grip on power

Legislative references to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers, present for almost a century in Turkish jurisprudence, are replaced. Turkey towards "exclusive presidentialism". Erdogan will swear oath in coming days.

Ankara (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The takeover of "Sultan" Recep Tayyip Erdogan is unstoppable. A  new decree attributing further powers to the Turkish president was published today on the official gazette: numerous laws of almost a century (from 1924 last year) have been changed by substituting reference to the prime minister and the cabinet of ministers with the president and the presidential office.

The prime minister's office is destined to be abolished. Erdogan will be able to appoint and control ministries, also removing civil servants without parliamentary approval.

The decision is part of Erdogan's plan to lead Turkey towards "exclusive presidentialism", already underway with last year's constitutional reform. Confirmed June 24 to the presidency, the Turkish president should swear the oath on July 8 or 9. On that date, the changes decided in this last decree will become effective.

The Turkish government publishes decrees without calling on parliament ever since the state of emergency, imposed after the failed coup two years ago, came into force. Since then, Erdogan's crackdown on opposition has led to the arrest of over 50 thousand people and the expulsion of around 107 thousand civil servants.

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