Gaza: Gantz leaves Netanyahu government. US pressure for ceasefire

Today's news: South Korean doctors on strike on 18 June against government reform; Economic crisis and joblessness cause growing school dropout in Laos; At least seven security men killed in an explosion in Pakistan; Armenian archbishop calls for street protest against government territorial concessions to Azerbaijan.

Centrist leader Benny Gantz has resigned from the emergency executive led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who can now only count on the support of the ultra-right but still has the votes needed to govern. In the meantime, the United States has stepped up pressure for a truce in Gaza, even assuming a vote at the UN. Among the four hostages freed over the weekend, at the cost of three more deaths according to Hamas and at least 243 civilian casualties in the Strip, is Noa Argamani, an Israeli of Chinese origin who re-embraced her terminally ill mother. The air force continues to strike in the north, in Lebanese territory against Hezbollah targets, causing two deaths. 

The most important doctors' lobby group called a strike for 18 June against the government's healthcare reform plan that has been agitating the country's medical class for weeks. According to the Korean Medical Association (Kma), which represents 140,000 medical professionals, at least 74% intend to join the ‘collective action’ against a plan that would destroy the system. 

Middle and high school students in Laos are dropping out of school because of the country's economic crisis and lack of jobs. Fewer and fewer young people are enrolling in university, with the number of graduates falling for three years in a row. Inflation has driven up prices, including food and transport, while government investment in education is plummeting. 

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanian calls on supporters to protest to force the resignation of the government of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian, who is in the crosshairs of protesters over territorial concessions to Azerbaijan. Addressing the square, the leader of the Armenian Apostolic Church called for four days of demonstrations starting today and a special session at the National Assembly. 

At least seven men of the security forces in Pakistan were killed in an explosion, which was followed by an intense exchange of gunfire, with militia groups. An anonymous government source reports that the attack occurred yesterday and was directed at an army post in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. There is currently no claim to responsibility for the attack. 

The government of the Russian Caucasian republic of Dagestan concluded a trade agreement with representatives of the Taliban at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, with the explicit support of President Vladimir Putin. The director of the MakhaĨkala Chamber of Commerce, Badrutin Magomedov, called it ‘the first comprehensive agreement with the new government of Afghanistan’.

The 73-year-old Narendra Modi was sworn in yesterday as India's prime minister for a third term, following his (half) victory in the last elections that saw the BJP lose its absolute majority. An electoral setback that will test his ability to govern. The ceremony in the presidential palace in New Delhi was attended by thousands of dignitaries, the leaders of seven countries in the area, Bollywood stars and industrialists.

A group of medical specialists from China arrived at the Republican Ophthalmic Clinic in Dushanbe. The specialists are offering free cataract examinations and operations for more than 500 people, the Tajik Ministry of Health announced, explaining that the initiative is agreed within the framework of the programme ‘Health Express: A Bright Journey’ together with the Chinese.